Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Find Relief from Painful Ingrown Toenails.


An ingrown toenail is where a piece of nail pierces the flesh of the toe. It can feel as if you have a splinter and be extremely painful, inflamed or infected.

Tight footwear, hosiery and socks can also push your toe flesh onto the nail so that it pierces the skin. If you sweat excessively or don’t rotate your footwear, the skin becomes moist and weak and is easily penetrated by the nail. If you have brittle nails with sharp edges or are in the habit of breaking off bits of nail that are sticking out, you are also more likely to get an ingrowing toenail. In more severe cases, it can cause pus and bleeding.

In some cases surgery is the only solution. Ingrown toenail surgery is a relatively straightforward procedure that removes all or part of the nail while the area has been numbed with a local anaesthetic.

A thorough assessment and explanation of the procedure will be undertaken before proceeding. Dr Khalid has many years of experience in performing this surgery, click on the link for more information.

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